Thursday, February 8, 2007

Eli's passport

Hey everyone its me Big brother Hamid. My mom told me I could put up a post before we leave to Guonghzo. Well my little brother Eli was not so big when we got him but now I think he has gained some weight, I think he likes the rice cereal a lot. Well the best tour guide I think we could ask for miss Nancy just came in the hotel room as I type this and gave us Eli's Chinese passport. As we wait on our Hawaiian pizza in the hotel room Eli is taking a nap.

See ya

Big brother, Hamid


Sherri said...

Hamid, I can tell you are a very good big brother. Eli is watching everything you do, so always make sure you do the right thing!

Have a fantastic time on the rest of your trip. Hey--does this count as school?


Journey to Lilly! said...

Hamid, you look like your having fun being big brother!! We are so happy for you.
Kim Pintaro

The Ferrill's said...

I am so excited for yall! And I am so relieved to hear that you can get Hawaiian pizza in China! :) giggle giggle!