Saturday, February 3, 2007

Yeah!! We are in Nanjing

Well we just got in last night at about 6:00 PM and met our new guide Nancy at the airport. We are now in Nanjing and I will be getting a new brother tomorrow morning. Our hotel rooms are vary nice when we came in to it there was a baby bed for Eli and of corse my mom started crying. Well today we are going to do some site seeing with miss Jodi and Coach Brian. You can see there blog site at ( ).

See ya
Excited Hamid!!!


The Ferrill's said...

I am excited too, Hamid and Nour! Oh my!!!!!! I can imagine the baby bed would bring me to tears as well! We'll be praying for a peaceful transition for little Eli and yall too! Hooray!

Journey to Lilly! said...

Hamid & Nour, I can hardly watt to see Eli. The room does look nece.. It is great to get to be on the journey with you guys!!
Kim Pintao