Sunday, February 4, 2007



Sherri said...

What a sweet picture of his face!


Journey to Lilly! said...

ohh! finally... Eli is so precious & so big from his original picture. God Bless Him! & help him with this life changing adjustment.

I know you guys are happy to have Eli in your arms. We are praying for your family.

Kim Pintaro..& kids!!

Hope for Lucy said...

Eli is so cute. Im so happy your day has arrived. We are praying for you guys. Look foward to more pictures!

Green Party of Four

Auntie Kat said...

Hey Angie, Yeah!!!! :) The big day is here!!!! He is so precious!!!!! I can't wait to meet him in person.....Please give him a big hug for me!!!!

The Ferrill's said...

Oh my this is amazing! Nour, thank you so much for letting us be a part of your trip! This is VERY exciting! And very REAL! Hoorayyyyyyyyy and Praise Jesus!
You're constantly in our prayers,