Sunday, January 7, 2007

first post

Well , I finally figured out this blog thing, I am not techno savy, and can't spell worth anything, so anyone following this journey needs to be patient with me.

We are adopting from China and should actually be on a plane soon. My process began back in the month of January of 2006. This is when the first of paperwork began and now Sunday night January 7th of 2007 I am setting up this blog for all of you to come with us. Soon we should get our travel approval and then we will be off for China.... Scorpions on a stick, here I come.

About half the way through the process we prepared a nursery for a baby girl with all the fixins, froo froo floral pillows, a pink baby bed etc... later we found out its going to be a baby boy, so the bed turned green, ( thank God for spray paint ) and the flowery pillows were replaced with stuffed frogs ( frog and Mr. toad ) everyones favorite.

We are so excited and ready to go we've got luggage, diapers, cloths, passports, sippie cups, bottles, God, money, and of course we will get a stroller there.

Until later

1 comment:

Our Adoption Story said...

What a blessing! Can't wait to follow along. I adopted from the SN lists with Lifeline last March. Best Wishes on your travel.