Thursday, January 25, 2007

Getting Ready !!

We are preparing to leave now, packing and running back and forth to target etc..... For those of you coming with us on the blog...... take off will be MONDAY YEAY !! Early. If any of you know me well, then you know I don't get up early for anything but the absolute necessary ex. settlements, closings, the occasional court hearing, doctors visits, and flying out of the country of course!
We are about to bust with excitement!

1 comment:

Journey to Lilly! said...

I am so excited for you!!! When I saw you at Lifeline Monday.. I thought you said you were leaving "tomorrow" that would have been Tuesday. I was so disappointed.... I thought you were not going to post while on your trip. I was quite confused!! It is going to be fun going on you journey to China with you!!

I cannot wait to see Eli being held & loved!! You are nearly there!!!

God Bless You on your trip!
Kim Pintaro