Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Well every body, I have been on the phone with the travel agency lately looking at Beijing packages. I guess everyone knows by now that we are traveling in about a week. I thought I might splurge and get an upgrade to first class until I saw the price increase, which was 16,000.00 dollars... We will be flying economy. I got some new luggage, those black things you put on your eyes to sleep, a camera case, bungee cord etc... We are actually getting ready! To Pack! Oh and now the baby's room is a wreck, I have his layette just all over the floor. I got my money strait so I am ready to wire the bulk $. We are getting excited.

I added a recent pic of Hamid giving a speech at scouts on the bowl game scout trip. I don't think he knows about it , but who cares its my blog and I'm a proud mom.

Until later

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