Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hey, everyone, I just had to snap a shot of a stuffed animal that I am taking to China. It is so precious , it is a mom and her baby in one of those Carrier things strapped to her. The arms of the mom unfold but the teddy in the carrier is attached to the mom teddy. Its just perfect for an adopted child I thought. By the way, its at Target and I only saw three others left. Its made by a British company. So cute.


Sherri said...


I am so excited for you! You are going to have the best time ever! Make sure to give Hamid the video camera when you get the baby so you will have it on film. My son videoed when we got Olivia.

I will have to go find the teddy bear at Target. It's so cute!

You can upgrade to PREMIUM economy which costs about $2000 per ticket. We did that last time because we couldn't get coach seats (close to Chinese New Year) and now it's the only way Phil will fly!

Our boys are scouts too! I know you're proud of Hamid, and this trip is such a gift for him. He can share in the stories of being there when Eli came into your family.

Have a great trip. I will be praying for you continuously!


Journey to Lilly! said...

Your name was on the Lifeline newsletter today that you got travel approval!! I am so excited for you. Are you going to be able to post while your gone?? or will we have to wait til you get home to see precious Eli in your arms?
We will be praying for you, Hamid, & Eli until you return back home safely.

Excited for you,

Jodi said...

Wonderful blog! Eli is adorable! and his room is too cute! Just waiting for him... Have a safe trip!
Have a wonderful time and we will be following your blog!
Wish we were traveling with you!
We will be keeping y'all in our prayers!