Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Short Note

Hey there everybody, I just love reading your comments. They give me inspiration and well, I just like reading them.

I know I put way too many pics of my cat, I am really trying to get all of the Label, Title, Pixels etc... details down. For some reason my pics upload blurry and I can't figure out why, anyhow I learn more about this blog thing by horsing around with it.

By the way thank you so much for praying for us, it means the world to me. I too have been praying allot lately. I have to say that I am so fortunate to know my maker personally, and to know that He is a God of love and in complete control of all things.

I want to take a min. to say hello to you Elizabeth. It was lots of fun meeting you with your beautiful brood at the mall. I am going to visit your website soon.

Last, Hamid just had to have a shot of himself and his new Wii which apparently people slept in tents outside in the freezing rain at BestBuy for. We just walked up to the store at 10:30 am and got one of the last tickets to buy one. Just lucky I suppose.

Until later,


The Ferrill's said...

Your cat is HUGE! And beautiful. But your two sons are so much more gorgeous! Can't wait to read your blog and all your travel adventures...I am praying for you to have a smooth trip and Eli to have a smooth transition.
Laine Ferrill

Journey to Lilly! said...

Eli sure looks happy about that wii!! He better get ready..because it is a lot of exercise! We are so excited about your travel & will enjoy the journey with you! Your blog looks great! I couldn't tell the pictures were blury?? Are you ready to travel to the other side of the world?? that is where your headed!! We will be praying for you & your beautiful family to return home safely!!
Kim Pintaro

Sherri said...

I thought the same thing that Laine said......your cat is huge!

Being the parent of two teenage boys (who thus far have not acquired a WII), I totally understand his elation at receiving it. One of my boys had a friend over this weekend who brought him, and I must admit it looks to be very fun!

I am praying for you.


Journey to Lilly! said...

It was great to see you today!!!! See you when you get back from China!!