Friday, January 19, 2007

The $$$ is paid

Well, just to update everyone, I paid a chunk of $$$ today for the air/hotel package. I also paid $$$ a chunk for the wire transfer. It looks like we will be leaving very soon.

Someone asked if we were going to continue posting while in China and the answer is , yes we are. I think doing this is fun for our family at home and friends plus its seems to be fun and helpful for all of you guys following right behind me.

Until later


Sherri said...


I'm praying for your trip. Make sure you let us know when you actually leave so you're covered in prayer for your travels.

So how old is Eli right now? Do you have any idea of his size?


Journey to Lilly! said...

Nour, I am so excited for you!! I cannot hardly stand it!! Hey while your passing out money.. do you want to send some my way?? haha!!! I'll be watching your journey while you are in China...& praying for your family!
Kim Pintaro

Elizabeth said...

Hello - Eli is precious. Have fun in Nanjing. Elizabeth from Brookwood Mall